Group News

‘Khit Thit' Foundation Press Conference, organized in Wydnham Grand Yangon Hotel.

‘Khit Thit" Foundation Press Conference was organized in Wydnham Grand Yangon Hotel.

The foundation was founded by the Celebrity couples - Chit Thu Wai and Lin Lin have for the celebration of their twin daughters’ birthday. The purpose of the foundation is to support under 5-year-old children who have congenital heart defects in medical care.

Lin Lin, famous singer and founder said, “We will make sure to raise funds from many sources, through entertainment and other activities. My wife is the main mastermind of this foundation and I just help implement her ideas and plans. It is like she is the software and I am the hardware.”

Wyndham Grand Yangon is so much proud to be part of this noble act to support the children’s health and education.


Wyndham Grand Yangon Hotel Held Earth Hour Activity

The celebration of #Earth Hour by Wyndham Grand Yangon Hotel with the symbolic candle-lit event in a switched-off hour from 8:30 pm to 9:30 pm.

Our Earth Hour"s activity highlights 60+ sign which is made up of recycled bottles ignited with candles, traditional candle-lit dance featured by the hotel’s colleagues, and flashlight feature of Wyndham logo, while darkness overwhelms the skyline of the hotel after shutdown of non-essential electricity lights.

Special thanks to our guests and colleagues who join us in the Earth Hour Movement to support environmental conservations and reduce the global warming impacts to protect our planet.


Shining Star Group and Yunnan Gold Mining Group Signed a Strategic Cooperation Agreement

On March 13, 2019, Wang Jianqiang, Chairman, Deputy Secretary of the Party Committee and President of Yunnan Gold Mining Group visited the Shining Star Group. First visited the New Asia Athletics Park project and Kunming Zhongjia Inkyness Hospital etc., also visited the group's development history, industrial layout and honor wall in the corporate culture exhibition hall in the headquarters building. Wang Hailong, Vice President of Shining Star Group and other leaders attended. The two sides conducted in-depth exchanges on cooperation in projects, technologies, talents, and financing related to the development of mining resources.

At the symposium, Wang Jianqiang, chairman of Yunnan Gold Mining Group, said: " Shining Star Group is a local Yunnan enterprise that already in a globalized position, we are glad to cooperation with it. The development concept of Shining Star is impressive and mechanism is also flexible. The visit is aimed at learning and exchange relevant experiences and seeking opportunities for cooperation in business." Leader of Shining Star Group, also said: "Yunnan is a major mining province, but technology and talents are all lacking for Shining Star Group. We should learn more from Yunnan Gold Mining Group which have a comprehensive grasp of central committee's policies and we hopes to strengthen the cooperation in talents and technology."

Subsequently, the Group Strategic Development Center and the relevant personnel of the Financial Management Center introduced the mining distribution of Shining Star Group to Wang Jianqiang ,the Chairman of Yunnan Gold Mining Group. As well as the background and reasons for Shining Star group to expand the mining sector, and the actual situation and forecast prospect of various mining areas in Bolivia. Zhou Yunman, chief engineer of Yunnan Gold Mining Group, and Mei Wenzhou, chief engineer of the Exploration Institute, also put forward professional opinions and suggestions on geological exploration, mining, and smelting.

Finally, Shining Star Group and Yunnan Gold Mining Group held a signing ceremony for the strategic cooperation framework agreement.

Group Leaders Visited the Ambassador of the Republic ofUganda in Beijing

On February 20th, Wang Hailong, Vice President of Shining Star Group, Yan Jin, General Manager of the Human Resources Administration Center, Yan Rui, General Manager of Kunming Liheng Investment Co., Ltd., under the entrustment of Yan Yu, Chairman of the Group, went to Beijing to pay a visit to Crispus Kiyonga, H.E the Ambassador of the Republic to Uganda to the People's Republic of China.

During the meeting, Wang Hailong, Vice President of the Group, thanked the ambassador for his warm reception. Then he briefly introduced the basic information of Shining Star Group's industries and projects. He said that as a well-known enterprise in Yunnan province, which has been established for 25 years, the development of Shining Star Group is obvious to all. In recent years, with the continuous progress of China's "One Belt and One Road" national strategy, Shining Star Group actively explores the road of "going out". In April this year, the Second One Belt and One Road Summit for international cooperation will be held in Beijing. China-Africa cooperation is in good shape. Uganda enjoys profound friendship with China, enjoys stable political and economic situation, and enjoys huge investment potential. In April 2018, Shining Star Group signed a cooperation agreement with Uganda Fortune Energy Company to jointly develop the Katwe Salt Lake project in Uganda. In the future, Shining Star Group hopes to work with Uganda to inject new impetus into the economic development of China and Uganda on the basis of sincerity, mutual trust and win-win cooperation.

H.E Crispus Kiyonga warmly welcome the visit of vice President Wang Hailong and his delegation, fully recognize the achievements of Shining Star Group in the past 25 years` development, and express his gratitude to Shining Star Group for its contribution to the economic development of Uganda. He said that in recent years, bilateral relations have been developing rapidly and economic and trade cooperation has been continuously strengthened. The First China-Africa Economic and Trade Fair will be held in Changsha in June this year. At present, Chinese enterprises' investment in Uganda involves power generation, transportation and other infrastructure construction fields, making great contributions to Uganda's development. H.E Kiyonga, the Ambassador stressed that in April, Uganda embassy plans organize China-Uganda Investment Promotion Forum in Yunnan. We will invite Shining Star Group to participate, and expect to have more enterprises like Shining Star Group to invest in areas such as mining, agriculture, manufacturing, and tourism, the embassy is extremely willing to provide policy advice and convenient visa or other services for investment enterprises. 

After the meeting, Vice President Wang Hailong, on behalf of Shining Star Group, presented gifts to H.E Kiyonga, the ambassador and the staff of the embassy. Both sides take a group photo as a souvenir.


Zhaotong Yiliang Maofeng Gastrodia Elata Industry Official Opening

On January 27, 2019, Zhaotong Yiliang Maofeng Gastrodia Elata Industry Development Co., LTD., was official opening which is a subsidiary of Shenzhen Maofeng Technology Investment Development Co., Ltd. that is controlled by Yunnan Dian Merchant Group Co., Ltd.

It is reported that Zhaotong Yiliang Maofeng Gastrodia Elata Industry was established in September 2018.  After 100 days of hard work, the main plant formally put into use of the production of two bacteria which in such tough conditions that including bad weather with ice and snow, abnormal water and electricity, poor road and weather conditions as well as heavy traffic, and the company's manpower was insufficient etc.

The Zhaotong Yiliang Maofeng Gastrodia Eata Industry project opening successes has gained strongly support by the Institute of Medicinal Plants of Chinese Academy of Medical Sciences, Zhaotong Gastrodia Elata Bureau, Yiliang County Government, Yiliang County Forestry Bureau and other relevant government departments.

After the official opening, Zhaotong Yiliang Maofeng Gastrodia Elata Industry will provide high-quality two bacteria, improved species and technology for Yunnan Gastrodia Elata industry, and ensure a good foundation for the development of Yunnan Gastrodia Elata industry. By constantly improving the standard of two bacteria and standard degree of varieties of cultivation plant that improved the organizational degree for farmers. We will establish a mechanism for linking interests, and establish a close type of linking interests, help gastrodia elata farmers to share the profits and help them shake off poverty and become rich and achieve sustainable development.

At the same time, the development of Zhaotong Yiliang Maofeng Gastrodia Elata Industry can optimize and adjust the industrial structure of Yiliang County and even the whole province. Through the technical popularization and radiation in the demonstration and surrounding areas, to increase cultivation of Gastrodia Elata and improved the development level of Gastrodia Elata industry in Yiliang County. By participating in the project construction and receiving technical training, the gastrodia elata farmers can improve their own cultivation cultural and technological application level of Gastrodia Elata quickly.

Finally, Zhaotong Yiliang Maofeng Gastrodia Elata Industry can effectively solve the employment problem of local unemployed people after it is put into operation. It can directly benefit the gastrodia elata farmers in Zhaotong area, guarantee the quality of gastrodia elata. Increase the revenue for gastrodia elata farmers and lead them to out of poverty, also it will play a key role in big supporting the development of the gastrodia elata industry in Zhaotong city.


Shining Star Group Held its Grand Spring Festival Gala 2019

Time flies. The busy year of 2018 has passed in a twinkling of an eye. The year of 2019, full of expectations, has come to us. The new year breeds the new goal and the new hope, Shining Star Group held its Spring Festival Gala on January 30 in Happy Castle International Hotel. All centers of headquarter, branches, subsidiaries, subordinate units, all staff of Shining Star Group gathered together to share the joy. 

The theme of this year's Spring Festival Party is "25 Years of Long Ambition, do Not Forget to Start a New Journey ", which was divided into three chapters. After all the partygoers enjoyed the delicious dinner in a happy atmosphere, the party kicked off with a medley of songs which from Kunming Star Talk Commercial Management Co., Ltd.

In the first chapter of "Happy Together". The melodrama of "Love Story" from Kunming Zhongjia Inkyness Hospital, the dance of "Spirit of the Lotus" and "Yearning" from Kunming Kaiwei Property Management Co., Ltd, and the dance of "U Shwe Yoe&Daw Moe Dual" from Asia Myanmar Shining Star Investment Co., Ltd and so on were all joyful and peaceful, which reflected the joy and positive spirit of the staff in bidding farewell to the old and welcoming the new year.

In the second chapter "Shining Star Span". The dance of "Youth" from the Finance Management Center, the semichorus of "Love Spell Will Win" from the Strategy Plan & Enterprise Management Center, the dance of "Golden Myanmar" from Myanmar Gold AYA Motors International Group, as well as "Phoenix Dance" from Yunnan Dian Merchant Group etc., showed the working scenarios and processes  of Shining Star Group's staff, which held their initial ambition and strived forward over the past 25 years.

In the third chapter "Start a New Chapter". The song with dance "Waiting" from the Audit and Supervision Centre,the dance "Rakhine Race Candle Lamp" from Asia Myanmar Shining Star Investment Co., Ltd., dance "Hopes for Success" from Kunming Star Talk Commercial Management Co., Ltd and song with dance "Loving Family" from Kunming Zhongjia Inkyness Hospital, reflected under executives led by Yan Yu, chairman of Shining Star Group that continuously deepen enterprise revolution, to promote the development of the transformation. It reflected the New Year's blueprint of Shining Star Group, Li Heng Investment and Yunnan Dian Merchant Group, the aspiration and determination of new projects and new development, and the strong desire to embrace a better tomorrow. 

The party was also interspersed with a luck draw which constantly raising the climax, the party not only brought laughter to everyone, but also let the hearts of colleagues stay closer with each other. Group leaders' close interaction with staff, exciting luck draw, singing, applause, cheers have been floating around in space. It presented the joy and harmony of the big family of Shining Star Group. In the end, the party came to a successful conclusion with the happy dance of "Calories "from Shining Star Hospital.

The fruitful year of 2018 has passed, and the promising and challenging year of 2019 has arrived. In the past year, we have smiled, struggled and gained. In 2019, we are full of expectations and passion, let us use confidence and courage to stride forward and write a more splendid future together.


2018 Work Summary and Commendation Conference of Shining Star Group was Successfully Convened

On January 30, 2019, Chinese traditional Spring Festival is around the corner, the 2018 work summary and commendation conference of Shining Star Group was successfully held in Kunming Happy Castle International Hotel with continuous applause. Nearly 500 colleagues from various companies of the group as well as outstanding role models, excellent party members, excellent league members, excellent employees and advanced units of corporate culture attended the meeting to commending good examples to stimulate common improvement and draw a blueprint for 2019 together.

Yan Yu, Chairman of Shining Star Group; Li Binhui, President of Shining Star Group; Wang Hailong, Vice President of Shining Star Group; Yan Jin, General Manager of HR & Admin Center of Shining Star Group; Chen Jing, General Manager of Financial Management Center of Shining Star Group; Zhou Qin, General Manager of Audit and Supervision Center of Shining Star Group; Pan Shiwei, General Manager of Project Management Center of Shining Star Group; Managements of Kunming Li Heng Investment, Yunnan Dian Merchant Group, Kunming Shining Star Mining Investment and other leaders to present. The conference was presided over by Yan Jin, General Manager of HR & Admin Center of Shining Star Group. 

At the beginning of the conference that announced the 2019 appointments of middle-level managements of Shining Star Group and top managements of Yunnan Dian Merchant Group and other subsidiaries by Yan Jin which is the General Manager of HR & Admin Center of Shining Star Group; Li Binhui, President announced the top managements appointment of Shining Star Group. Yan Yu, Chairman of Shining Star Group that awarded the appointment letters to the new managements.

Subsequently, Yan Jin, General Manager of HR & Admin Center of Shining Star Group declared the commendation decision of Shining Star Group, Kunming Li Heng Investment and Yunnan Dian Merchant Group with regard to rewarding a number of outstanding teams, role models, excellent employees, exceptional Party and League members emerged in various group work process last year. Leading by Yan Yu, Chairman of Shining Star Group, the leadership awarded those advanced personnel with trophies and certificates of honor and advocated all staff to make every effort and be enterprising with keen determination in order to build a better Shining Star Group and contribute to the cross-industry, cross-disciplinary and international development. This motivated everyone's work enthusiasm and the scene lively.

During the conference, summary and review were made on the group's business operation over the past year. High affirmation and fair analysis were given to every company and every line regarding to their achievements as well as problems. The Group's work plan and goal for 2019 were brought forward to guide the developing direction in the upcoming year. Leading by Yan Yu, Chairman of Shining Star Group, President and related leaders of Shining Star Group, the Group's operating responsibility letter and incentive plan for 2019 were signed.

At the end of the conference, Yan Yu, Chairman of Shining Star Group delivered an important speech which expressed gratitude to all Shining Star Group colleagues hard work over the past year and analyzed the current situation. He further shared the bright prospect of Shining Star Group and put forward the working strategy for the next year along with a 10-year plan. He hoped that all Shining Star Group colleagues would have the innovative courage and keep pace with the times, would learn from the advanced and catch up with the advanced, would devote themselves to all kinds of work with enthusiasm, pragmatic attitude and high morale, would seize opportunities and take advantage of the situation, would strive for the full completion of set objectives for 2019!

"Despite the blowing wind with thousand miles of journey, we take the lead and set out again". Ahead is the dream and mission summons! Standing at the new historical starting point, under the correct leadership of Shining Star Group Board leading by Yan Yu, Chairman of Shining Star Group, the guidance of the spirit of the 19th CPC National Congress, and the favorable policies of "One Belt, One Road", the striving Shining Star Group colleagues are ecstatic on the journey to fulfill the mission of Shining Star Group and create a more brilliant future together!


Yangon Kantharyar Center Held Grand Opening Ceremony

The Yangon Kantharyar Centre launched a grand opening ceremony in Wyndham Grand Yangon Hotel on 8 Jan. 2019, which is a new international property under the investment of Shining Star Group. Yan Yu, Chairman of Shining Star Group, Yan Yong, Vice Chairman of Shining Star Group, Li Binhui, President of Shining Star Group, U Phyo Min Thein, Governor of Yangon, U Maung Maung Soe, Mayor of Yangon, U Lin Naing Myint, Vice President of the Yangon Assembly, Colonel Aung Soe Moe, Minister of Yangon Border Security, U Zaw Aye Maung, Minister of Yangon Ethnic Affairs, and other related local officers, as well as the ambassadors of Thailand, Malaysia and Sri Lanka in Myanmar attended and witnessed the grand ceremony. 

At 17:18 local time, the opening ceremony formally started. Mr. Yan Yu, Chairman of Shining Star Group delivered a welcome speech. He said, "the high standard office building, high level hotels and infrastructure construction has been the spotlight of foreign investors. Yangon Kantharyar Centre has become the first international one-stop commercial complex which targeting local and international business elites. I am very proud to say that our efforts resulted in success" 

At the media conference, Mr. Yan Yu answered the questions of the media presses on the cooperation between China and Southeast Asian countries. “In recent years, Shining Star Group positively respond the ‘Belt and Road’ Initiative. By fully take advantage of multi-industry and multi-field resource, we are making best possible efforts to promote the development and cooperation with the countries and regions along the ‘Belt and Road’ Initiative. Myanmar is the first station of the "going global" strategy of Shining Star Group. Expect for the Kantharyar Centre, Shining Star Group also invested and build-up Gold AYA Motors in Mandalay (the second largest city of Myanmar) based on the cooperation with BAIC Group. The first batch of cars will leave the assembly line recently. In the future, Shining Star Group will not only sticking to "going global", but also concentrating on national project development, financial investment, equipment supply, engineering construction, management and operation, etc. While pursuing own development and establish strategic cooperative relationships, Shining Star Group will actively promote the transformation and upgrading of regional economic structure at the same time." 

The Grand Opening of the Kantharyar Centre represents the overseas investment of Shinning Star Group a steady step toward the new development path. In the future, Shining Star Group will continue to respond to the “Belt and Road” Initiative, bring the industrial advantages into play, and set a good example and pacemaker for the "going global" of all enterprises in Yunnan province.


Shining Star Group Held Special Training on the Practise of HR Laws

On Nov.27, the Special Training on Practise of HR Laws for all HR staff of Shining Star Group held in the No. 1 Conference Room.Mr. Deng Gaoxi, the Founder of Yunnan Deng Gaoxi Law Firm was invited to be the lecturer. About 20 HR staff of Group company and the subsidiaries jointed the training.

Mr. Deng started the training from the common goal of both employee and employer. He explained profound theories in simple language. The objectives of human resources management can be divided into two parts, improving effectiveness and reducing costs. During the training, Mr. Deng analyzed the laws and regulations closely related to human resource management and the eight legal risks with detailed explanation. He also put forward the methods and precautions against risks from the practical operation level.

This training has further enhanced the professional skills and awareness of legal risks of human resources management within the Group and the subsidiaries. In the future, the Human Resources and Enterprise Culture Department of Shining Star Group plans to conduct special training on the legal practice of human resources management monthly to provide a strong guarantee for the Group to improve the management level of human resources.


Long Qiaozhong Deputy Director General of Yunnan Bureau of Investment Promotion Visited Shining Star Group

On November 10, Long Qiaozhong, Deputy Director General of Yunnan Bureau of Investment Promotion and his delegation visited Shining Star Group and joined the symposium with Group's senior executives on the development of medical and health care industry. Yan Jin and Wang Hailong, Vice President of the Group, Xu Zhijun, GM of Enterprise Management Department, and Ye Ning, Director of Financial Service Centre, accompanied the delegation to attend the symposium. Ma Wu, GM of Yunnan Branch of Gangben Health and related person joined the symposium also.

After the visit to the Enterprise Culture Exhibition Hall, Vice President Yan Jin briefed Shining Star Group’s current situation and future plans in the medical and health care industry to the guests. Deputy Director General Long Qiaozhong expressed his admiration and recognition to the rapid development and internationalization of Shining Star Group. He said that private sectors should learn more advanced ideas and experiences from the standardized development in foreign countries. He also shared opinions and suggestions on the development model of Japan's elder care hospitals and centres, the cultivation of heath care concept and professionals, and so on.


Yunnan SINOSURE Lead an Observation Delegation to Shining Star Group

On the afternoon of November 2, Lin Bin, Secretary and General Manager of the Yunnan Branch of SINOSURE, Huang Jiang, Deputy General Manager of D.R. Congo LCS Copper and Yi Feng, General Manager of D.R. Congo MSAC Company, lead a team to visit Shining Star Group. 

Accompanied by Yan Jin, Vice President of the Group, the delegation visited the Enterprise Culture Showroom and made a detailed understanding of the development process and achievements of Shining Star Group in the past over 20 years. After the tour, the delegation met with Mr. Yan Yu, Chairman of Shining Star Group, to discuss on the investment of D.R. Congo. 

At the meeting, Chairman Yan welcomed the arrival of the delegation, thanked SINOSURE for its long-time support, and briefly introduced the industrial layout and planning of the Group. Subsequently, the two sides conducted in-depth exchanges on the D.R. Congo's overview, mineral distribution, existing foreign mining enterprises, etc. 

Wang Hailong, Vice President of the Group, Chen Jing, Vice President of the Group, Li Xiaoqin, CEO of Dian Merchant Capital (DMC), Liu Wenfeng, Vice Director of Mining Investment Department of DMC, and other relevant leaders attended the meeting. 

It is reported that Shining Star Group was invited to visit D.R. Congo in late November to conduct field visits, and to further communicate on the results of the meeting and investment-related matters. 


Shining Star Group Hold Welcome Ceremony for President

The HR and Administration Centre of Shining Star Group organized Welcome Ceremony for president in No. 1 Conference Room on November 15.Yan Yu, Chairman of Shining Star Group, Liu Guocheng, Assistant to Chairman, Ma Jun, Assistant to Chairman, Yan Jin, Vice President, Wang Hailong, Vice President, Chen Jing, Vice President, Zhou Qin, GM of Audit and Supervision Centre, Xu Zhijun, GM of Enterprise Management Department, Wang Lihua, GM of Engineering Management Department, Li Xiaoqin, CEO of Dian Merchant Capital, Liang Chao, GM of Inkyness Maternity Hospital, and the main leaders of the Group attended the welcoming ceremony. The ceremony was chaired by Vice President Yan Jin.

All participants welcomed the President of Shining Star Group, Mr. Li Binhui with warm applause. Vice President Yan Jin announced the Appointment and introduced senior executives to President Li.Subsequently, President Li Binhui delivered his inaugural address.

President Li Binhui first expressed his thanks to the senior executives for the attendance and welcome. He then introduced his main experiences in the past. He put forward some ideas on the development of enterprises and emphasized the importance of bring enterprise assets into active use, the thinking of deduce process from results, and the role enterprise culture plays in the development of enterprises. Finally, President Li Binhui encouraged all participants to make joint effort to realize the strategic goal of building a "100 billion market value enterprise". President Li's inaugural address won a burst of applause.

At the end of the ceremony, Chairman Yan addressed a welcoming speech. After summarizing the Shining history of the past 25 years, he said, The arrival of President will be a historic point of Shining Star Group marking the traditional management mode of the Group will transform to professional and systematic mode. He also briefed the main operational sectors of the Group and made important arrangements for the strategic goal of becoming a "100 billion market value enterprise in 10 yeas". Finally, Chairman Yang welcomed President Li's arrival and made good wishes for the future of Shining Star Group.

"Star shining in the universe, to benefit the general public." Shining Star Group continuously moving forward on the path of pursuing excellence. 

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